Problem Solving

When were blocked on a simple problem:

1.What was the problem?

In general, all of sprint four has been difficult for me. To be more specific, the kata grade book and Build-in- methods were had for me. For example, in grade book the problem was created the method average. I didn't know how do get the average. I thought I had to do a complex mathematical operation in order to get the average but it was not. On the other hand, in the building-methonds the problem was how to order the elements inside a function. For example, which one goes first map() or split()?. After google and see some video on youtube, I got the answer.

2.What problem-solving techniques did you use?

Googling Reading error messages Console.logging Trying something Asking peers and coaches for help Watching youtube videos and order to review them save in my brain

3.How did you feel throughout the process?

Bad and strees

4.What did you learn?

I learn that I can not spend one hour on a problem and if I don't get the answer ask for help. I need to spend more than an hour because it is when my brain saves the information.

5. Elegantly solved a problem.

I don't feel like I've solved a problem elegantly yet in programming. I need to organize myself more. I think when I become confident, I will do it. It is just a bad feeling, but I know that feeling will disappear with time. The more practice, the better I will understand and organize myself.

6. Reflect on how confident you feel using each of these problem-solving techniques/processes:

. Pseudocode

Is a great help when writing code. However, at the beginning of the foundation, I did't write Pseudode. Instead I copied and pasted the problem give it to me as a commment in visual studio code. Over the days, I understood that it was a bad practice, so I stoped to do it. Now, I read the problem and bease I write my Pseudocode.

. Trying something

I think in this part I feel confident. During the kata challege when the code gave me an error and I didn't understand what was really happening. I did chenges for the code inmediately. For example. traying a forEach insteand of a forLoop.

.Rubber ducky method

I think with this method, I still no master it because I haven't found the solution while I'm explaing a problem to someone else.

. Reading error messages

I feel reading error messages help me alot, but I need more coding experience to understand all the message error.

. Console.logging

I feel condident when I'm using Console.log because it lets me know what my program is doing

. Googling

Google is where I first go when I don't understand something, so I feel confident with it

. Asking your peers for help

I feel confident in asking for help I if I'm stuck. I have done it all this time.

. Asking coaches for help

I feel confident in asking for help if I stuck.Coaches are here to help and guide us on this learning journey.

. Improving your process with reflection

I love this part and feel good reflecting on my learning process because without reflecting, I wouldn't know if I'm learning.